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Back to School

Back to School

We have all had to get used to our fair share of changes this year, with schools and education taking a huge hit and turn. From exams being cancelled to learning and working from home, COVID-19 has challenged the education sector with children from all ages feeling the brunt of it. But how are we moving forward? Well there is a lot to adapt to, as we are all aware, from parents to teachers all learning a new thing or two. There have been mixed emotions as to the thought of retuning back to school; fear, excitement, and relief. After the first couple of weeks back to school have gone by it seems like a success so far, not without its teething troubles, of course. Guidelines are still very rough at the moment, but we know a few things that are definitely happening. Schools will certainly look vastly different, with one-way systems, screens keeping pupils apart and staggered lesson and break times. And after the long break since they last attended lessons, teachers are having to assess how much pupils will need to catch up. As regards to face masks, well there is still a lot of debate around that. A lot of schools are introducing ‘bubbles’ for students, with as many as 300 in one bubble. Being the whole year group, with each ‘bubble’ having their staggered lunches, lessons and even use of their own corridors, it is the only way forward we can have schools opened as they are. As schools start to get underway again, we are still busier than ever. After a hugely successful and busy summer, the shorter night’s drawing in and the weather turning more autumnal, it will not be without its challenges. With summer being our busiest time, particularly with schools during the holidays, we’ve really been put to the test. With our company growing more than ever, we are just as excited to look forward to the future and see what the winter months leading up to the new year can bring us.